We can only thrive when our community thrives
At Manifesta, we always search for ways to become active members of community projects. Moreover, we come forward as the one that takes initiative and introduces positive changes in the everyday life, by undertaking or collaborating on socially responsible projects that improve the local quality of life and consequently promote our destination(s) in a positive and sustainable way.
For our activities, we have been awarded several times. We continue to bond creativity, innovation, local resources, and community spirit to spread positivity and interconnectedness among our members and consequently with our precious visitors.
Our greatest success lies in our partners, the network of wonderful people with whom we work and grow together, learn from each other, and become better by nurturing the common values and priorities: honesty, kindness, and respect – towards the visitors, towards the community and towards each other.
Our projects:
Revitalization of St. Michael's Fortress
A project that brings the Šibenik main fortress back to life with educational trainings and consulting, realized for the City of Šibenik
Posadi cvijet, probudi svijest (Plant a flower, awaken consciousness)
For three consecutive years, Manifesta in cooperation with Šibenik Tourism Board and Terra Šibenik Associationn has been organizing a revitalizing project within Šibenik’s old town core – planting flowers.
Cvijeće s morskog dna (Seabed flowers)
The project engages local Šibenik creatives (designers, artists, educators…) to create artistic installations from the plastic taken out of the Adriatic sea. All this was monitored and managed by renowned artist Nives Čičin Šain.
Break from Civilization and Back to Basics
An awarded eco tour with the best rating within the MEET/Destimed network, realized for National Park Kornati, WWF
Over the chimneys to the stars
An awarded eco tour with one of the best ratings within the MEET/Destimed network, realized for Nature Park Lastovo, WWF
Are you in need of a reliable partner to undertake socially responsible action within your own community?
Do you wish to establish a similar project or a workshop?
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Our latest Awards.
The best
travel agent
Tina Vickov, Manifesta CEO,
awarded for the best travel agent in Croatia, 2019.
The best
travel agency
Šibenik Plus, brand of Manifesta, awarded for the best travel agency in Šibenik region in 2017.
Recognition for
eco tourISM
Recognition for the eco-tour for the National Park Kornati
MEET, Rome 2019.
Recognition for
eco tourISM
Recognition for the eco-tour for the Nature Park Lastovo islands
MEET, Rome 2019.
Manifesta in Media.

If all of us who are connected in any way in tourism held the same equation in hand, we would be faster and closer to the goal.